中文部問卷調查 2024

2024中文部問卷調查 是一份包含 35 個問題的調查,用於衡量溢樂教會特定關注方面,及幫助了解我們會眾靈命成長的追求和參與的情況。研究結果有助於領導團隊為教會制定未來幾年的計劃及改進你們所提出需要改進的地方。所以你的意見是非常重要的!調查問卷是匿名的,將不會透露你個人身份資料。以下是填寫問卷日期。謝謝你的參與!





網上填寫:5月5日至5月15日,可上教會網址填寫問卷 (https://www.scbcsf.org/survey)


Table Example

Member Engagement and Spiritual Commitment Survey

“會眾參與”和 “追求靈命成長” 調查

1. What is the Member Engagement and Spiritual Commitment Survey?

- The Member Engagement Survey and Spiritual Commitment Survey [ME35 for short] is a questionnaire of twenty-five questions, which measure specific areas and assist Sunset church in understanding both the spiritual commitment and member engagement of our participants.
1. 什麼是“會眾參與”和“追求靈命成長”調查?

- 會眾參與”和“追求靈命成長”調查 [簡稱 問卷35條] 是一份包含 35 個問卷的調查,用於衡量溢樂教會特定關注方面,及幫助了解我們會友們靈命成長的追求和會眾參與情況。
2. How does it work, and will anyone know how I answered the questions?

- Church attendees rate their experience of spiritual and community life at Sunset Church. Nine questions measure individual spiritual commitment, twelve measure member engagement, and four measure outcomes. The questionnaire is anonymous, collecting only demographic information, and nothing that can reveal your identity. In addition to the 25 questions, the survey will include ten demographic information.
2. 這個問卷是如何運作的,我是如何回答問題呢?

- 問卷會讓參加溢樂教會弟兄姊妹評價他們在教會的屬靈和社區生活的體驗。25條問題當中,有9個問題衡量個人靈命成長的追求,12個問題衡量個人的參與度,四個問題衡量結果。調查問卷是匿名的,只收集統計信息,沒有任何可以透露你身份的資訊。除了 25 個問題外,該調查還將包括 10 個會友統計資訊。
3. When do we fill out the surveys and what happens next?

- 5/5 as the 1st survey date will be conducted after Sunday service.
- 5/12 as the catch-up day.
- 4/21 and 4/28 promotion days.
- Between 5/5 and 5/15, the survey is available online.
3. 我們什麼時候填寫問卷,接下來會如何推出?

- 4月21日 和 4月28日 推介。
- 5月5日開始第一個填寫問卷日期,將會在崇拜之後進行。
- 5月12日為補填寫日。
- 5月5日至 5月15日之間可在線上填寫問卷。
4. Does this survey really represent Sunset Church?

- The more participants we have the more accurate the results will be. Each and every attendee over the age of 18 is encouraged to complete the survey. It only takes a few minutes. Sunset Church strives to provide every opportunity imaginable to facilitate the process.
4. 這項調查真的會代表了溢樂教會嗎?

- 調查的參與者越多,結果就越準確。鼓勵每一位 18 歲以上的弟兄姊妹完成問卷。只需幾分鐘。教會將會努力提供一切可以幫助你來完成這過程。
5. What happened with the information gathered from the survey?

- The Chinese Elder Board and Chinese Ministry Team will analyze and review the results of the survey. After that, the leadership teams will work together to develop ways to improve on areas which YOU identified as needing improvement. The results will assist the leadership to develop multi-year plan for the church.
5. 從調查中收集的資料將會有什麼結果?

- 中文部長老和事工小組將會分析及思考調查結果。之後,領導團隊將共同制定改進方法,以改進你們所確定需要改進的地方。研究結果將有助於領導團隊為教會制定未來幾年的計劃。
Esther LiGeneral