課後活動 (SNAP) 需要義工幫忙教授中國文化

教會的課後活動( SNAP)最近申請成為傳統文化學習班,可以教授中國文化、食品、藝術、舞蹈、歷史和/或中文。這是一個很好的事奉機會,如果你能教授關於中國文化,請與 Lei-Chun 馮梨珍姊妹聯絡

Sunset Church's afterschool program has made the transition to become a heritage program. As part of this transition we must now include Chinese culture, food, art, dance, history, and/or language. Without the inclusion of these types of activities our program will no longer be able to legally function. If you have the time and ability to lead something, please reach out to Lei-Chun leichunfung@gmail.com or register online.

Esther Libulletin