Young Family Ministry


Our vision is to glorify God by building Christ-centered families and making gospel-transformed disciples in our homes and communities.



Our ministry Values


We seek to allow God’s love and grace permeate in every relationship in turn creating a supportive, caring, and welcoming community. (Jn 13:34-35; 1 Cor 12)

我們尋求讓上帝的愛和恩典滲透到每一段關係中,從而創造一個彼此支持、相互關懷和歡迎的群體。(約翰福音 13:34-35;哥林多前書 12


We are always in a posture of learning, seeking to know God so that we may become faithful and fruitful families of Jesus Christ. (Rom 5:1-5; Eph 1:3-14)

我們以謙卑學習的態度,尋求認識上帝,以致我們的家庭可忠心跟隨基督並活出豐盛的人生。(羅馬書 5:1-5;以弗所書 1:3-14)


We seek to steward the inherited wisdom and legacy from past generations to encourage and celebrate the endless possibilities of our future generations.(Deut 6:6-9; Ps 71:17-18; Ps 145)

我們承繼前人的智慧和屬靈遺產,用以鼓勵及支持我們下一代為主發展他們的無限潛能。( 申命記 6:6-9;詩篇 71:17-18;詩篇 145)


We position to serve the families in our church, surrounding communities and beyond to exhibit the life-giving love of God.(Matt. 5:13-16)

我們定位去服事在教會、在鄰近社區中以及遠方的家庭,以展示上帝賜予生命的愛。(馬太福音 5:13-16)


我們的聚會 YFM Gathering

我們的聚會在每月的第一和第三個星期六舉行。 每個季度我們都會各小組聚在一起彼此認識、彼此建立。 其餘的聚會中,我們會先一起吃晚飯然後分成小組學習上帝的話語,或作其他小組活動。 0-15 歲的孩子在家長聚會的同時會有小孩或年青人節目。我們一般在暑期(6-8月份)會暫停活動,讓每個家庭享受天倫之樂。歡迎各小組各自舉辦一些活動。1至8年班的學生歡迎參加溢樂教會的暑期營Camptoons

Our YFM gatherings take place every 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Every quarter we gather as a big group and have team building or other activity. Other times, we break up into smaller groups studying the Word of God, or other small group activity after having dinner together as a big group. We provide childcare for kids from 0-15 while parents can meet. We typically do not meet in summer months (June-Early August), we encourage families to spend time and have fun together. Small groups are welcomed to host any unofficial events. For children in 1st to 8th grade, we invite you to join our summer day camp program Camptoons.

Don’t have a group but would like to join a small group? Let us know!


最新活動 YFM Upcoming Events


YFM Q&A 常見問題和答案

  • 如果您是準備步入婚姻的情侶、沒有小孩的夫婦、有18歲以下小孩的家長(包括單親父或母親、混合家庭等等),我們都歡迎您來參加我們的聚會。

  • 我們每月的第二和第四週的星期六都有小組聚會。我們會先一起吃晚飯然後分成小組學習上帝的話語,或作其他小組活動。 0-15 歲的孩子在家長聚會的同時會有小孩或年青人節目。每個季度我們都所有小組聚在一起彼此認識、彼此建立。

  • 我們年輕家庭的小組各有特色,如果您想知道更多有關我們的小組,請聯絡我們

  • 我們希望能夠偶爾舉辦一些聯誼親子的活動,例如燒烤、野餐、行山等等。如有任何建議請聯絡我們!

  • We welcome any Pre-marital couples, Newlyweds, Child-free couples, Newborn parents, Families with children under 18 (including Single Parents and Blended Families)!

  • Every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, we meet in Small groups. All small groups will first have dinner together, followed by a worship session, then we will be dispersed into small groups for discussion/ bible study/ other activities. Children under 15 will have children program while their parents meet for small groups. Every quarter, we meet up as big groups to know more about each other and for team building.

  • First of all, welcome! Please contact us if you are new to Sunset and would like to look for a small group, we can recommend a small group that fit your needs.

  • We are hoping to create more spaces for families to connect! Throughout the year there will be other activities such as picnics, BBQs, hiking, etc. If you have any fun ideas, please feel free to let us know!


More questions about YFM? Email us! 還有任何問題嗎?請聯絡我們


Resources for small group leaders

小組聚會負責是項Sign-Up Sheet
(Limited Access)

Small Group List
(Limited Access)